West Palm Beach Florida Bicycle Accident Lawyers

Getting injured in a bicycle accident can be a very challenging and overwhelming experience. Winegar Law has the knowledge and skills to help you get the compensation you deserve.

bicycle accident

What To Do Immediately After A Bicycle Accident In West Palm Beach Florida

  • Assess your injuries. If you are seriously injured, call 911 immediately. If you are not seriously injured, you should still seek medical attention as soon as possible.
  • Contact the police and file a report. The police report will be important for any claim you may want to pursue.
  • Exchange information: Get details of the other other parties involved in the accident. This includes their name, address, insurance information, and driver’s license numbers.
  • Take pictures: Capture images of the accident scene, including the condition and position of the bicycle and the other vehicle involved.
  • Get witness statements if possible.

What To Do In The Days And Weeks After The Accident

Keep track of all of your medical expenses.

  • Doctor’s visits
  • Hospital stays
  • Prescriptions & over-the-counter medications
  • Physical therapy
  • Transportation costs (to and from medical appointments)

Document any lost wages or other financial losses.

  • Lost wages and income
    Paystubs, tax returns, employment records, etc.
  • Future earnings
    If injuries involve long-term disability consult financial experts to estimate future income losses.
  • Injury-related childcare
    If unable to care for your children due to sustained injuries
  • Bicycle damage and repair costs

Additional Tips To help you recover damages in a West Palm Beach Florida bicycle accident

  • Do not speak to the other driver or their insurance company.
  • Be mindful. Insurance companies will look at your social media.  Think twice about broadcasting details on social media or other public forums.
  • Do not sign anything without first speaking to an attorney.

Most common causes of bicycle accidents throughout West Palm Beach Florida

Although not every bike accident involves collisions with motor vehicles like cars, trucks or motorcycles, a large percentage do. When automobiles are involved, it’s not uncommon to cite: Failure to yield, running red lights / stop signs or distracted driving.

Some other causes for a Florida bicycle accident include:

Unsafe Passing: When drivers pass cyclists too closely or recklessly, they can cause accidents. Florida law requires drivers to give at least three feet of clearance when passing a cyclist.

Dooring: When a motorist or passenger opens a car door without looking first. This can result in a cyclist colliding with the open door.

Driveway and Parking Lots: When drivers reverse from driveways or parking spaces without checking for approaching cyclists.

Impaired Driving: Drunk or drugged driving can impair a driver’s judgment and reaction time, increasing the risk of accidents involving cyclists.

Right Hooks and Left Crosses: Improper turns. A “right hook” occurs when a vehicle turning right collides with a cyclist going straight, and a “left hook” involves a vehicle crossing the path of an oncoming cyclist..

Lack of Visibility: Cyclists can be difficult to see, especially at night or in low-light conditions. Without proper lighting and reflective gear, cyclists may not be visible to drivers.

No Bicycle Lanes or Infrastructure: The absence of dedicated bike lanes or inadequate cycling infrastructure can force cyclists to share the road with motor vehicles, increasing the risk of accidents.

Inadequate Education: Lack of awareness and education about bicycle safety for both cyclists and motorists can contribute to accidents. Promoting safe practices and awareness campaigns can help mitigate this issue.

Poor Road Conditions: Potholes, debris, uneven road surfaces, and inadequate road maintenance can pose hazards to cyclists and lead to accidents.

Construction: Construction zones can create hazards for cyclists, including uneven surfaces, detours, and traffic pattern changes.  If your bicycle accident was due to a poorly maintained area or infrastructure, you might be eligible for a premises liability lawsuit.

West Palm Beach Florida Bicycle Accident Statistics

The following data analyzes all crashes reported that involve bicycles or pedestrians struck by motor vehicles resulting in serious injuries or fatality.

2023 (Year-to-date through June 29)

Florida: 1,559
Palm Beach County: 107
West Palm Beach: 11


Florida: 3,239
Palm Beach County: 203
West Palm Beach: 32


Florida: 3,241
Palm Beach County: 190
West Palm Beach: 28


Florida: 2,951
Palm Beach County: 198
West Palm Beach: 30

By comparing the information at the state, county and city level, over the recent years, we’ve noticed the following trends:

  • The city of West Palm Beach contains about 15% of the pedestrian/bicycle accidents occurring in Palm Beach County
  • Palm Beach County hovers at around 6% of the pedestrian / bike accidents happening throughout Florida
  • 2021 reported the highest number of serious injuries / fatalities in the state of Florida, but year-over-year there isn’t much fluctuation in the amount of pedestrian / bicycle accidents reported in the city of West Palm Beach